About Us
PROPLANING d.o.o. Belgrade was founded in 2020 in Belgrade with the goal to accompany specialists in the field of electrical project design and consulting in power systems engineering.
We provide great, on time services to our valuable customers.
About Us
PROPLANING d.o.o. Belgrade offers consultancy services to its clients, according to the applicable international standards and procedures, as adopted by the investors and financial institutions, in the power engineering projects.
Substation design references
PROPLANING d.o.o. Belgrade performs its services in accordance with applicable international and local standards and recommendations. The activity is done by taking the last technological solutions from world leader in power systems with continuous and optimal adjustment to the specific project, local technical and social conditions.
The main activities are:
Making a complete supporting documentation for the facilities in power engineering;
Project design of complete transformer stations up to 400kV;
Consulting activities;
Carrying out technical control of projects.
In the preparation of the project design PROPLANING d.o.o. Belgrade use valid international and national laws and regulations (laws, rules and regulations, standards, technical recommendation etc.) and we offer complete electrical project design of the substations of all voltage levels, up to 400kV, including:
Feasibility studies;
General design;
Preliminary design;
Design for construction permit;
Design for performance of works;
As-built design.